The new standard for campaign fundraising

A donor database with integrated dialer, email, and texting that both your candidate and finance director will love.

Trusted by Democrats across the US:

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Recommended vendor of:

We're proud of how users describe us:

Abby Culbertson
"Raise More positively impacted our campaign by giving us incredibly useful and forward-thinking tools for fundraising.

It's widely agreed upon by staff that CRMs are in desperate need of improvement, so I was personally thrilled when the team connected with me and explained their mission of modernizing and dramatically improving the systems we use. I highly recommend using Raise More."
- Abby Culbertson, Finance Director at Susheela Jayapal for Congress
Cate Beard
"The dialer has improved call volume exponentially. Being able to see recent donor history and recent giving to the campaign has allowed for more robust conversations with donors, and the immediate text and email follow up has streamlined that process allowing for donors to feel connected in a way that traditional follow up doesn't always allow.

If you're looking for a platform with a dialer, the customer support team is unsurpassed. Zach and Rachel are super responsive, and they're always open to whatever feedback users have."
- Cate Beard, Finance Director at Joby Bernstein for Congress

Sound familiar?

You're using Google Voice, OpenPhone, or a clunky dialer

Your donor phone numbers are out of date and scattered

You're using a spreadsheet to track your donors

Staff are constantly thinking about catching up on donor research

Tracking pledges is difficult and follow-up is sporadic

You're constantly running into technology issues while doing call time remotely

How Raise More is different:

Users make 40 calls/hour on average

Candidates feel confident using the app independently

You can hop on a your candidate's dialer session with them, and control the dialer and screen alongside them

Email and text follow-ups are as easy as one-click templates

There's a clean pledge chase dashboard

Syncing ActBlue and importing spreadsheets takes less than one minute

You aren't worrying about data loss or mistakes

Duplicates are automatically merged and uncertain duplicates are flagged for review, keeping contact information as accurate as possible

A 4 minute demo with our founder: